Mr. Wani John, a resilient man from South Sudan, had been battling severe pain and limited mobility due to complications in his knee and hip. Seeking advanced medical care, he was introduced to Satyug Healthcare, a trusted medical facilitator specializing in guiding international patients through their treatment journeys in India. With hope in his heart and Satyug’s dedicated team by his side, Mr. Wani embarked on his journey to recovery.
Upon arrival in India, the team from Satyug Healthcare warmly welcomed Mr. Wani at the airport. From arranging comfortable accommodation to ensuring seamless hospital admission, Satyug handled every detail, allowing Mr. Wani to focus solely on his health.
His surgery was performed at the prestigious Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon by none other than Dr. IPS Oberoi, a globally renowned expert and Chief of Joint Replacement & Orthopaedics. Dr. Oberoi successfully conducted a complex knee and hip revision surgery, restoring Mr. Wani’s mobility and alleviating his pain.
During his hospital stay, Satyug Healthcare remained by his side, ensuring he had everything he needed—from translation services to round-the-clock support. Post-surgery, Satyug arranged physiotherapy sessions, follow-up consultations, and personalized rehabilitation plans to speed up Mr. Wani’s recovery.
Beyond medical assistance, Satyug Healthcare also helped Mr. Wani explore the vibrant culture of India during his recovery period. They organized stress-free outings and wellness activities to ensure a holistic healing experience.
After weeks of dedicated care and support, Mr. Wani returned to South Sudan, walking confidently and pain-free. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Satyug Healthcare and Dr. IPS Oberoi for transforming his life.
Mr. Uhidul, He is Bangladesh Citizen who recently visited Indian hospital for his medical treatment from Dhaka to New Delhi. He had multiple consultation in different Indian. He is sharing his experience about his medical journey in India. During his visit to India He visited many historical places in new Delhi with his family along with his treatment. He had an excellent experience with his medical tourism company Satyug Healthcare which assist International patient in India.
story of an international patient from Kenya who underwent successful Kyphosis surgery at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, facilitated by Satyug Healthcare.
Welcome to Satyug Healthcare's YouTube Channel! In this video, we share powerful testimonials from international patients who underwent Kyphosis surgery at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi through Satyug Healthcare. Hear their incredible stories of recovery, from experiencing chronic back pain and discomfort to regaining mobility and living pain-free lives. Our personalized medical tourism services ensured seamless coordination, expert care, and a comfortable recovery journey. If you’re considering Kyphosis surgery in India, learn from our patients’ experiences and discover how Satyug Healthcare can help transform your life!
Mrs. Mariama Mary Col an international patient travels to india from Sierra Leone Country in West Africa. A mother who comes to New Delhi with her daughter for elbow bone fracture deformity correction surgery. Ms. Angella was hit by a vehicle in 2014. she sustained left supracondylar humerus fracture. Xray shows malunion of the supracondylar and proximal ulna region. She was operated the same day after the vehicle accident in 2014 at the local hospital in Sierra Leone. after some time the patient faced difficulty and weakness in her left hand which caused issues in her day to day life. after some time from the surgery the patient did the Xray and noticed deformity in her left hand bone, her bone size was longer than usual which was causing pain and weakness. In 2023, Mrs. Mariama Mary Col mother of the patient decided to travel to India for her daughter's bone deformity correction surgery. Angelina underwent 2 stage surgery in new Delhi hospital where Dr. Ishwar Bohra performed the surgery in gap of 6 months.
This video is about a medical traveler who travelled to India from USA(United States of America) for bilateral knee replacement surgery (TKR) surgery in Delhi. Patient from USA and European countries travelling to India for different medical & surgical issues. Indian medical tourism growing very fast and become most popular destination for medical tourism.
In this video, our main motive is to spread the awareness among the patient who is seeking medical treatment in India. We talk & Discuss about The different challenges that a overseas /International patient and patient attendants face in India during the medical treatment journey.
In India we have million of hospital, clinics and doctor how a international patient can choose the right place for their treatment can save from any kind of fraudulent.
Mr. Lual travel to India from South Sudan for medical treatment. this overseas patient arrived in india in very worse condition. he was not able to see anything despite the vision he was having multiple problems his creatinine was 16, brain swelling, we was not able to walk and talk. He has a blood disorder. This overseas patient stayed in hospital for a month gradually his condition improved and after 3 months of treatment at Amrita Hospital. He became all right. Satyug Healthcare which is a company that assists international patients in India. we received Mr. Lual at Delhi airport. as his condition was not well we arranged an ambulance at the airport to take the patient directly from the airport to the hospital emergency. our team were continuously watching his condition and coordinating with hospital and doctors. we were updating patient family about daily basis. after 3 months of treatment Mr. Lual left India in good condition. we wish him a healthy life.
Feedback from about medical tourism services in India given to Bangladeshi patients.
Mr. Hussein Came to India with his wife for Heart Valve Replacement Surgery at Manipal Hospital Dwarka, Delhi.
Dr. Yugal Kishore Mishra-Chief Cardio Vascular Surgeon & leading surgeon in the country performed Minimally invasive Heart Valve Replacement Surgery involves small incisions (cuts) in the side of the chest between the ribs & replace the tisse value successfully.#drykmishramanipalhospital
চিকিৎসাসেবা নিতে গিয়ে আমার বাস্তব অভিজ্ঞতার কিছু অংশ...
সম্প্রতি আমার ছোট ছেলে হঠাৎ অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ে। বাবা হয়ে চেষ্টা করেছি তাকে দেশের সর্বোচ্চ চিকিৎসাসেবা দেয়ার জন্য। খরচের কথা একদমই মাথায় আনিনি। দেশের হাসপাতালের বিখ্যাত ডাক্তারও দেখিয়েছি। কিন্তু অভিজ্ঞতার কথা কি আর বলবো। তিক্ত এবং ভয়াবহ।
সেসব নিয়ে অন্য আরেকদিন বলব।
এখন যেটা বলছিলাম, সেটা শেষ করি। এর মাঝে আমার খুবই ঘনিষ্ঠ এবং পারিবারিক ডাক্তার Forhad Uddin Hasan Chowdhury ভাইয়ের সার্বক্ষণিক সহযোগিতা ও পরামর্শের আন্তরিকতার কোন কমতি ছিল না, যা ভাষায় ব্যক্ত করার মত না। এর মাঝে অনেক শুভাকাঙ্কী ও যোগাযোগ করে আমাকে সাহস যোগিয়েছেন। ছেলের অবস্থা দিনকেদিন খারাপ হওয়ায় পারিবারিকভাবে সিদ্ধান্ত নিলাম ভারতে চিকিৎসা করবো। পরে দিল্লির বিএলকে ম্যাক্স হাসপাতালের ( BLK MAX HOSPITAL) খোঁজ পাই, আমার চাচাত ভাই সৈকতের মাধ্যমে। তখন যোগাযোগ করি তাদের টিম মেম্বারের সাথে Rajat Sharma এবং Vikram Kashyap। কি বলব,এক কথায় তাদের ব্যবহার ও আন্তরিকতায় আমি খুবই মুগ্ধ।
ভিসা নিয়ে চলে তাই দিল্লিতে। যাওয়ার পর থেকে শুরু করে সেই দেশের বিমানবন্দর কিংবা হাসপাতাল অবধি পৌঁছাতে তারা আমাদের সর্বাত্মক সহযোগিতা করেছেন। যার কথা না বললেই নয় তিনি হলেন Dr. Prashant Jain। যিনি অত্যান্ত আন্তরিক বিনয়ী এবং মিষ্টিবাসী, যিনি তাঁর দায়িত্ব এবং বিচক্ষণতার সাথে আমার ছেলে কে উনার সর্বোচ্ছ সেবা প্রদান করেছেন।
এমন নিদারুণ সেবা-ভালোবাসা পেয়ে আমি আপ্লুত। আমার অজান্তে একটা সুন্দর ডকুমেন্টারি ও তৈরি করে পাঠাইয়া দিল॥
বিশেষ ধন্যবাদ ## SATYUG HEALTHCARE## সংশ্লিষ্টদের।
ভারতে আপনার চিকিৎসার বিষয়ে আপনার যদি কোনো চিকিৎসা সংক্রান্ত প্রশ্ন থাকে,
অনুগ্রহ করে আমাদের সাথে এ যোগাযোগ করুন
হোয়াটসঅ্যাপে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন: +91-9910655125, +91-8882424372
Mr.Joseph Githara Kamau ,Kenya had a successful 2nd kidney transplant surgery in Delhi. Mr. Joseph underwent 1st kidney transplant in 2015 at Fortis Hospital Mumbai. After 9 years his 1st transplanted kidney stopped working well enough for him.that was cause and affecting his daily life activity.So, Mr. Joseph Decided to Travel back to India once again for his 2nd Time Kidney Transplant with New Doctor (his Sister).He had 2nd Kidney Transplant Surgery done in Delhi under care of team of doctors Dr. Ashwini Goel Senior Director Nephrology & Renal Transplantation ,Dr. H. S. Bhatyal Senior Director Urology & Renal Transplantation and Dr. Ankur Arya Consultant Urology & Renal Transplantation at BLK - Max Super Speciality Hospital · Page · Hospital · Pusa Road, New Delhi, India.Satyug
A sucessful kidney transplant patient story from kenya to India with Satyug Healthcare- A overseas patient assistance company in India
Mr.Michale Gitau from Nairobi, Kenya who got in touch with us in December 2022.
He shared his medical reports with us and after discussing the case with Multiple Doctors and Hospital ,He was advised for kidney transplant surgery .
Mrs.Nancy who (wife) Decided to donate her kidney to husband michale .
We assisted them in medical visa process and travel and accomodation and Assisted them inside & outside hospital both .
In this Video ,Patient is sharing his true experience about his medical Journey in India facilitated by Satyug Healthcare.
He traveled back after successfull Kidney transplant at ASIAN HOSPITAL Faridabad , Delhi /NCR India and is happy and living his life like everyone else.
Mr. Patric Venn, a 56 years old Gentleman from Liberia who came with diagnosis of severe bilateral hip joint osteoarthritis. Due to his medical illness, he was not able to balance his body and walk properly which was troubling him to perform his day to day activities. Mr. Patrick had a sucessful Total HIP Replacement surgery under the Supervision of Dr. Ishwar Bohra- Associate Director joint replacement surgery at BLK-MAX Superspeciality Hospital.
Mr. Hazem Ammar Mohammed Al-Ofari a 30 years old boys from Yemen who was suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome (Chronic kidney disease-CKD) since 2014, Due to Nephrotic Syndrome his kidney producing high protein in urine and High creatinine which causing him to suffer from many health issue in Body. He came to India in September 2022 to get done kidney transplant surgery. In Manipal Hospital Dwarka.
Patient underwent for his kidney transplant surgery in supervision of Dr. Sanjay Gogoi Primary Surgeon and Dr. Saurabh Pokhariyal is a Nephrologist. Post Kidney Transplant Surgery He is doing good his kidney functioning very well. He wish good luck and a healthy life.
Ms. Rukaayah a 26 years old beautiful and gentle person from Nigeria came with her parents seeking treatment in india for her dysfunctional kidneys. Her Medical Condition was already deteriorated to the extent where she started having problem doing daily routine tasks even walking and standing for long, by the time she arrived . She was already on dialysis but it seemed that even dialysis was not helping her much. When She Arrived ,Our Primery challenge was to make her medical condition stable . Even she had abnormal heart function with heart fraction 15% .The Family was counselled by DR. HS Bhatyal ( Director- Urology and Renal Transplant)/ DR. Ankur /Dr. Ashwani Goel from BLK-MAX Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road , New Delhi-110008. She was advised to undergo Kidney Transplant for symptomatic relief .
Her dialysis was resumed with increased frequency per week. She had become very weak and needed a lot of medical support with preparation in order to get prepared for the transplant . They had to face a number of challenges like she usually required emergency admissions in betweeen the dialysis due to her abnormal vital function, Her parents were rejected as a potential kidney donors as they were found not to be a compatible match.
At last, The Team decided to do the Kidney transplant on unmatched Donor to save her precious life . We all held our breath and could only pray for the successful treatment to save patient's life . Thanks to Dr. HS Bhatyal ( Director- Urology and Renal Transplant)/ DR. Ankur (Senior Consultant & Uro-surgeon ) from BLK-MAX Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road , New Delhi-110008 who performed the surgery successfully . The Operation went uneventful. Dr. Ashwini Goyal (Director-Nephrology & Renal Transplant) looked after her post-transplant with medical management.
Both Patient and Donor ( Mother) recovered well . Now the Patient is living a normal Life without the need of further dialysis .
It gives us Happiness and hope to handle such difficult cases and inspire us to assist more people in need.
Ruth from kenya who visited india in October 2021 for her Medical Treatment . She shares her true experience of her medical Journey in Artemis Hospitals. This hospital is the first JCI & NABH accredited, multi-speciality hospital in Gurgaon, India .She appreciates Satyug Healthcare for Assisting her during the complete course of medical treatment from kenya to India .we are one stop solution for medical Travellers around the world. who are seeking the Best Treatment at Affordable cost in India.
Mr. Jimmy Komo from Nairobi , Kenya . He was suffering for 12 years from back pain which could not be diagnosed in his country. Mr. Jimmy decided to travel to india to get himself treated . Mr. Jimmy met Dr. Rajesh Verma (Sr. Consultant Spine Surgeon) and was evaluated by the concerned Specialist.
Diagnosis presented with C6 ligamentum flavum hyperthrophy with cord compression L3-4 adjacent segment degeration with failed back implant. Patient underwent C6 posterior cervical laminectomy and posterior lumber spine extended fusion L3-S2 lack screw with decompression and interbody fussion L3-4 .Dr. Rajesh Verma successfully performed the surgery in BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital and gave him relief from the back pain after successful surgical treatment.
Master. Andrew Maina was diagnosed to have retinoblastoma ( Eye Cancer) in Kenya. Patient's family decided to travel to india with the assistance of satyug healthcare for retinoblastoma treatment . His treatment started with chemotherapy followed by prosthetic eye replacement. He received a long treatment of about 10 months in india. Finally ,They traveled back after completing the successful treatment in india with smile on their faces.
Patient's Feedback in his own words
My name is Mirsodik Djuraev and I am from Uzbekistan. I was diagnosed with lower rectal cancer in Uzbekistan. after that, some of my friends advised me to consult with doctors in india with my medical reports, because they had visited India for their treatment.One of my friends told me about SATYUG HEALTHCARE medical assistance company. I contacted the company and they organized a video consultation with the concerned specialist for me. The company provided me with medical details and related information about treatment and cost. As I arrived in India, I was greeted by a Russian language interpreter at the airport. They arranged a good hotel which was close to the hospital. The hotel was very nice and affordable.
We consulted with 3 cancer specialists in 3 different hospitals to find out the best treatment plan with suitable doctor. I was not in a hurry as I had an opinion prior to my travel to India, so we had sufficient time to consult with more than one doctor to find out the best option for me. After taking opinion from 3 different specialists from different major hospitals , I opted BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi. I was operated in BLK-Max Super Specialty Hospital and I am much better now, My medical travel agency helped me a lot during my treatment, the surgery cost was very affordable, the food was also with reasonable pricing .
I must say that the SATYUG HEALTHCARE team is very good. They have a good and familiar language translator. Who always look after your health in hospital and even outside the hospital, they always used to visit me in my hotel every day to know about my well-being. They provided me free taxi services during my treatment in India. My airport pick up and drop was organized by them on complementory basis. India is very highly developed country in medical advancements.
What else can I say? I thank them so much for helping me a lot and I will never forget the good experience i had with them .
Patient Mrs. Caroline Njeri from Kenya, she had a neck tumor (supraglottic mass) due to which she was facing difficulty in swallowing food. she came to India for her surgery in october 2020. Dr. W.V.B.S. Ramalingam Senior Director & HOD, Robotic ENT Surgeon at BLK Hospital, New Delhi, performed her robotic surgery and removed her tumor completely .
They had a comfortable stay and Quality treatment at affordable costs under our care. They were really satisfied with the overall experience in india.
Patient Mohammed Abdullah Al Khamisi 52 years old man from Yemen underwent for hernia surgery at Blk Super Speciality Hospital by Dr.V.P. Bhalla. Patient wife is also operated for gastric bypass surgery by Dr. Deep Goel & Ravindra Vats is a Gastroenterologist,Bariatric Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon . Best Surgical Gastroenterologist doctor in India Dr.V.P. Bhalla, Surgical Gastroenterologist in Delhi: Dr. V P Bhalla (Blk Super Speciality Hospital), Gastroenterologists in Pusa Road, Delhi. Book Appointment Online Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Roux en Y Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass Gastric Lap Band Surgery Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Gastric Ballon
I am from Uzbekistan I have been suffering from knee pain for many years and have come to India to seek healing. In 20.01.2020 I came to hospital and 21.01.2020 surgery was done then my condition improved now i am very well before i could not sleep in the nights because of pains. Thanks to Dr.Ashish and his team I will be grateful from them in my whole life. All conditions at the hospital are excellent All the doctors and nurses are friendly and professional and I am glad that I came to India and treated in this hospital thank you.
Bis I’m Abdurrahman Mohsen ali saeed. I work in Saudi Arabia. I have been suffering from a condition of penile induration and hour glass deformity also known as (Uncontrolled DM and Dyslipidima , Peyronie’s disease). I tried to seek medical treatment in Yemen and in Saudi Arabia without success, despite the fact that Saudi hospitals were equipped with modern facilities, good staff, however, were missing. Based on the suggestion of the Interpreters, I collected my medical reports and documents and sent them to India where they were checked by doctors in the hospital of BLK. The BLK doctors insured that the treatment of the nonischemic priapism condition can be treated via operation with a success rate of 100%, while not discarding the other option of implanting a machine that can regulate the blood flow to and from the penis tissues. The latter option which had side effects of developing infections was also proposed by the doctors in Saudi Arabia and was out of favor for me. Then, I was advised by the Indian doctors at BLK to visit India and seek the needed medical attention. And by the grace of god, I did go to India to meet the doctors of BLK to start the treatment. I would like to specifically acknowledge and express my gratitude to the Yemeni interpreter Mr. Wahj Mari, who has assisted my visit and stay in India. Likewise, I would like to thank Mr. Vikram who works as an interpreter in BLK hospital. Both interpreters received me from the airport and took me to hospital where I did all the necessary checkups before undergoing a successful operation the next day. The humane hospitality I received is praiseworthy, I never felt like a stranger in this community. Moreover, the interpreters and their services were available 24/7.
Their services ranged from: • Help in commuting forth and back between hotels and hospitals. • Interpret what the doctors say, address or suggest. • Help in going to visit places. Therefore, I would like to testify that I advise anyone who is sick and hesitant, to come and seek medical treatment in India.
A 16 years old male , Mr Jeremy Wanyolke from Kenya get new life in India by successful SCOLIOSIS CORRECTION Surgery . Patient was diagnosed a case of ADOLESCENT IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS( Lateral Bending of spine - towards Right Side) and underwent SCOLIOSIS CORRECTION Surgery ON 18/12/2019. patient and his family are very happy with the work of Dr. Anil Kumar Kansal (Director & HOD Neuro & Spine surgery ) and his team.
Find Cost of Spinal Scoliosis Surgery :
My Name is FLORENCE WAIRIMU NJIHIA , I came to india in november 2019 to brinng my mother here in india for medical treatment. we have been here for 4 months. When I came here , We find a gentlemen call Rajat and he has been good for us. he was taking care of us. he was taking care for us ,where we live even in the hospital.
BLK Hospital is a good hospital because when I came here , My monther was very sick and now she is well and we are going back to our home. We want to thank all the doctors of BLK Hospital and nurses which have taken care of us. So we thank them we say thank you. We are very thankful to Mr. Rajat and he has been good for us and his team Vikram of SATYUG Healthcare. they have been good.
BLK Hospital is a good hospital. Doctors are good. They takecare of their patient. We love them very very much. Thank You.
Mrs. Mary Popoola 63 years from Nigeria underwent to Total Knee Replacement at BLK Super Specialty Hospital New Delhi undercare of Dr. Bhushan Nariani - Director Centre for Orthopaedics, Joint Reconstruction & Spine Surgery | BLK Super Speciality Hospital Pusa Road, New Delhi -110005.
Mr. Ali Qasem ,56 years old man from Yemen, He came to Dr, kaul with 20% heart function and more than 3 artery blockage gets Better Quality life After Angioplasty in India Mr. patient is having a serve heart disease. his heart function was very low as well as 3 heart artery blocked. He was successfully operated by Dr. Ajay Kaul, Chairman & HOD, Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery.. #satyughealthcare #blk #medicalconsultatnt #medicaltourisminindia Best CTVS surgeon in Delhi | Top heart surgeon in India | Top Cardiologist in India | Best pediatric cardiologist in India | Best Heart Hospital in India Check Dr profile : check angioplasty blog: Angioplasty Cost: